In reality - throughout the history of country there have been great rebels breaking rules, pushing the music forward. Hank Williams was greatly influenced by black blues players, Woody Guthrie was a communist, Johnny Cash protested against the Vietnam War, Charlie rich was black, KD Lang is a lesbian, Steve Earle is a one man revolution and has been strongly against the Bush regime, Dixie Chix got banned for speaking out aginst the war in Iraq, Emmylou Harris is very much the liberal, etc.... you'd be ahrd pushed to find the stereotypical southern bigot anywhere in modern country, and even in the past - they were far from the whole story. I think what fools people is that the country establishment has always been very conservative - Hank Williams was persona non grata in Nashville for years - but then the rock establishment is still incredibly conservative, usually Republican supporting, obviously racist right into the 1980s, still very sexist, and extremely limited in it's outlook, preferring the rebellious acts of an inept 14 year old boy to genuine acts of subversion against an illegal and reactionary government - this is why raawwwk is the music of america's establishment, and country is the music of the people.
Here's today's weather brought to you by my new phone:

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