Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Boris Johnston's folly going up here:

artwork on a building (below) which, presumably, is soon to be demolished

This little floating community by the canal:

I had a meeting near Stratford in the morning which allowed me a slightly more interesting ride into work.

Unusually I took no pictures on the Woolwich Ferry - it finally offers no new inspiration for me, or at least the flipping great lorry blocking my view didn;t help.

Cycled on the Greenway - noticing the refurb work going on everywhere, and dirty great stadium as I reach Stratford.

Also a massive shopping centre going up - not sure what that has to do with sport, or even why its needed.

Then from Leyton, via Hackney Wick/ Whick (?) onto the canal - more refurb work.

Came off canal at Angel, and on to Mount Pleasant where for first time I bought lunch at one of the many food stalls I've seen there for many years now.

Black bean stew - and very nice:

Back to central London along the canal. Unfortunately stretches of it are closed off due to works to repair decades of neglect in time for the Olympics.

I saw the sign, and I saw the ducks.

Things have changed a bit down by the canal:

End of the line for the Greenway?

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