It was on the pavement by woolwich Common.
After I took the photograph I moved it into the foliage where it wouldn;t end up getting squashed or picked off by a bird.
This is my main blog - it's been going since 2004. It was originally my personal diary but has expanded to something more sophisticated, thanks to Blogger. Most articles on this site are unfinished and remain so. I am trying very very hard to change this! I have a sidebar on the right - please scroll down - full great web sites, articles, podcasts, etc. The tone of this blog is mostly unfocussed, and long may it remain so...
You can see two permanent residents in our car here - the cat S bought at Chinese New Year's and the Winnie the Pooh that I got free with soem stuff once - about 16 years ago.
after the Shepherd Neame lorry passed me all I could think of was the nice chilled beer I could have once I got home. I didn;t realise at this point I had another two hours before I managed this.
When I try to work on my laptop - he does this:
So I take the piss out of him sometimes - here I am honouring him by photographing him with the certificate he won at a cat show once:
There was John Cale special on 6Music this morning. I've got a little bit by him, but I realise I need to get more.
I'm no longer the only cyclist in the depot. I saw some other bugger had his bike locked up in the yard the other day.
I finally gave in to the nagging and saw a doctor the other day. I'm completely healthy apparently. So if I feel shit all the time, it's my own bloody fault.
I stopped to take a photo of the long-abandoned and derelict Eltham Coronet. A friend from my Thames Poly days used to go see films here back in the '80s and S. was in here quite a lot too, years before we actually met for the first time, watching late night horror film screenings.
It's a damned shame that no-one can find a use for it now though. Even more of a pity that it can't be reopened as a cinema - it'd be ideal for people in my area who can't be arsed traipsing all the way into the West End to see a film, plus local cinemas always showed stuff that the big central cinemas just can't afford to show - old sci fi and horror classics.
Though looking at what happened to the Woolwich Coronet, I guess there are fates worse than death for old cinemas.
The Woolwich Coronet is now some dodgy American Evangalist church. I used to see bands, and cheap Wednesday matinee performances of the latest Hollwywood releases there.
And of course - the inevitable Woolwich Ferry pictures; I can't resist.