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This is my main blog - it's been going since 2004. It was originally my personal diary but has expanded to something more sophisticated, thanks to Blogger. Most articles on this site are unfinished and remain so. I am trying very very hard to change this! I have a sidebar on the right - please scroll down - full great web sites, articles, podcasts, etc. The tone of this blog is mostly unfocussed, and long may it remain so...
Friday, October 27, 2006
this weeks top ten on my MP3 player
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I went to the other end of Leyton High street on Wednesday to find a bike shop - I'd got a puncture in Stratford and needed to buy a pump as I'd left mine round S's flat.
I noticed a plaque on number 544 on the high road. The names on the plaque were:
sir Fisher Tench c1700
Thomas oliver 1750 - 1803
It wasn't the exisiting building they lived in, but one that predated the current terraced house on this site.
I'm not absloutely sure about the spelling - so that means i have to go back and check. Could find nothing on Fisher Tench - except lots of site about tench fishing came up :-).
Thomas Oliver though - one name came up on Wikipedia, and this may well be the one:
Thomas Oliver (Lieutenant Governor)
Thomas Oliver (January 5, 1733 - November 29, 1815) was the last Royal Lieutenant-Governor of
"He was graduated from Harvard in 1753, and resided at
A mob of five thousand angry citizens forced him to resign on
Unfortunately the dates don;t quite match up - he'd have been too young to have lived there in 1850. First off - I'd better check the dates and spelling.
White van drivers
Some people say you shouldn�t criticise white van drivers, they�re just doing their job, why should driving a white van make you a bad driver. It�s just prejudice.
As I cyclist I�m on the sharp end. It may not be scientific, but I feel that my perceptions are important.
The other day I had two incidents on the same day. A vehicle cut across the front of me to take left bend, causing me to brake sharply; and another driver opened his door right in front of me. Luckily I ride slowly and fasr enough away from parked vehicles these days that I didn�t hit it. Guess what � both vehicles were white vans.
There was a study carried out by an academic, called Dr Ian Walker, recently that showed objectively that white van drivers drove closer to cyclists than any other drivers.
"Previously reported research from the project showed that drivers of white vans overtake cyclists an average 10 centimetres (4 inches) closer than car drivers."
So it's not just my perception then - cunts drive white vans - or white vans turn drivers into cunts.
"To test another theory, Dr Walker donned a long wig to see whether there was any difference in passing distance when drivers thought they were overtaking what appeared to be a female cyclist.
Whilst wearing the wig, drivers gave him an average of 14 centimetres (5.5 inches) more space when passing."
With my long hair - I may well be benefitting from this phenomena!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I came off my bike yesterday. It was really wet, I was going through Silver town - just by the railway, and the Tate and Lyle plant. There's a couple of tram tracks running across the road diagonally, which I've never considered to be much of a problem before, but yesterday my wheel slipped into the rail and I was catapulted across the road.
Luckily nothing was coming along behind me - there's quite a lot of traffic along there including massive lorries. I wasn;t able to move at first, but slowly my body realised I wasn;t hurt and let me get up. I cut my wrist, bruised quite a few bits; still hurts today. My bad hand was wacked too, so that's hurting now.
The bell on the bike is a write off. I nearly lost my speedometer, found it in a puddle. My light was scratched. The panniers had come off - my laptop was in one, but it was OK. My saddle was torn - the fluff's sticking out now.
Apart from that - nothing. It took me a while to work that out though - checked everything after I got to the ferry. It was getting on for 7.30 so I didn;t want to miss the last one.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
read this
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Monday, October 23, 2006
Anarchist Bookfair
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Friday, October 20, 2006
top ten artists on my MP3 player - by number of tracks
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Thursday, October 19, 2006
FW: See Tickets New Tours and Events
"We are giving you the amazing chance to buy half price seats for some of his fast selling November dates. Buy now to avoid disappointment!" They've hads to knock the price down so pensioners can afford it!
If you're still under 30 you might fancy bland, FM friendly, pointless, wannabe, and soon will be, stadium rockers SNOW PATROL at Manchester's G-Mex. I saw them at Glastonbury a couple of years ago, and as well as wishing I hadn't, instantly foresaw that they'd be huge in just a few years. U2 for our grandchildren I reckon.
Or you could see the tabloid-friendly spectacle that is BABYSHAMBLES
I had to put this in quotes just cos I don;t want anyone thinking I could write the following words: "Catch the hilarious comedian when he performs at Manchester's Apollo later this month" - JIMMY CARR. Or you could pay less and see womeone who's funny.
And I expect the quote marks I put in were turned into little squares. It always happens!
I like the bit at the end of the email where it says "ALSO NEW THIS WEEK..."
and there follows a list of bands, many of whom are quite good and well worth seeing. But probably considered a bit weird by the fine upstanding major party-voting c**ts who seem to own this country.
the list of weirdos included
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
The Cat's Playlist
Not a shred of truth
According to an item by GAVIN ESLER on the Newsnight BLOG yesterday that survey which said most of us �fail to shred documents we put in our dustbins, leaving us open to identity fraud�was carried out for ... a company making shredding machines.�
�Why is it so few of the newspapers - or the BBC for that matter - have seen fit to mention that the survey might result in a sales boost for the people who paid for it.
Monday, October 16, 2006
I'm an Extremist
Friday, October 13, 2006
wing NUT brigade
Someone who call him/herself Pliny the younger wrote this comment on my Blog,
"That comes to 600 people a day. Think someone might have noticed all those bodies piling up in the street if these numbers were accurate?
Another example of nonsense being accepted as fact,"
in reply to yesterday's entry about the death figures for Iraq. So I put my reply - and you can see it as a comment under yesterday's entry. Then I checked out Pliny's website.
wing NUT brigade
"I am Pliny the Younger, and I own this web page. I teach Humanities in Kansas, and consider myself to be slightly to the right of Ronald Reagan. As the days go on, I and the other members of the Brigade will add to these pages, and will hopefully enlighten all that come across these pages to the truth that exists."
"This web page is dedicated to exposing the hypocrisy of the Left. Whether they are in the media, government, politics, or in the blogosphere, the The Wing Nut Brigade will shine the light of truth and understanding upon their nefarious words and deeds.
"We hope to be a clarion of truth in the heart of “red” America, as we battle the forces of evil in “blue” America. We shall not stop until we become the Wing Nut Division. All hail!"
That's some mission! Only trouble is if you go and look at the website - it appears that the NUTS have failed "to shine the light of truth and understanding upon" anything. Apart from the bits I quote above, there's nothing on the website. "As the days go on, I and the other members of the Brigade will add to these pages". Yeah? Go on then. I can;t wait to see what right wing idiot toss passes for "humanities" in Kansas.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
The Iraqi Dead
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
North Korea
Friday, October 06, 2006
Jack Straw is a Tosser
Wreck of the Old 97

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Warsaw "seems to breed melancholy"
S took me to task the other day for writing here that she described
No wonder anyone with a spark fucks off out of it asap."
"Anyway, with luck I'll be getting a train out of here v. early tomrrow morning."
"The place has a sense of, let's not say faded glory, rather decaying dogshit; it's riddled with concrete cancer architecture, dissatified political graffitto and a level of drunkeness that I find depressing (looking into one of the wall to wall bars* today I saw someone geniunely smashing their head on the table while the other solitary drinkers continued to gaze morosely at their pints poured from cheap cans**
*read flyblown shithole playing dire 80's eastern european electronica while pasty faced acned men & boys drink themselves to death in their own personal hell bubble - I least when I'm hellbound I invite everyone else to come along for the ride/spectacle.
**Yup, go in the wrong sort of bar and ask for a beer and you're given a lukewarm can and a glass - pour it yourself - even the hostesses on the hellsville express can't be bothered."
I hope that puts the record straight.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
...and they pissed on your rug!
These pictures were taken by S in Lithuania, in a place nicknamed Stalin Land. They've bought up loads of Soviet era statues and placed them around a park.
And as always - click on the picture for a larger version:

Elvis Costello
Monday, October 02, 2006