My landlord engaged a painter and decorator to do the hall and stairs of the house i live in and cos he works 9 to 5 he's fine with the house being invaded between 10 and 3 ever fucking day.
The guy has taken several weeks off during this period but i have no idea whether he's coming or not so i can't plan the tasks i normally do in the morning such as cooking lunch, laundry, sorting out my room, baths, etc just becasue i don't know that when i start at 9am i will still be able to complete it when the P&D comes in sometime between 9.30 and 10.00.
I sometimes have to go out without a coffee cos he's set his paste table up in the tiny kitchen. Sometimes I can't get my lunch out of the fridge. I've stopped being able to have porridge for breakfast so my weight has started to go up again. I have a pile of dishes in the sink I can't complete!! I have a pile of recycling I can't deal with cos it's blocked in the kitchen. I feel all ikky and sticky before leaving home because I can't shower or have a bath in the mornings. This has been going on for fucking months!!!!
I can't even work from home cos of his fucking noise - or take a day off which is badly needed!!!!
worst of all its an invasion of my fucking space. It's the time I've taken out to be by myself and to be me and it's fucking gone and everything is a fucking mess. Help me!!!!
There's no sign that he's nearly done either - I have a day off tomorrow to get the backlogged jobs done but if he's here I'm just going to go out on my fucking bike!!!
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