Wednesday, October 12, 2011

7th Birthday Shake-Up

I've been doing this Blog for 7 years now, and I decided it was time for a shake-up.

Firstly, a change in name to reflect my successful Twitter account @LaughingNoam - "Just Say Noam!".

Secondly, a change in the website name to match the blog name.

Thirdly, a new look for the blog itself. Not sure about this yet, might be too stark, though stark is good in my book. Feel free to let me know what you think!

Finally, an upgrade to the links in the sidebar. With the new template it's pretty easy to add things and move things around, I had got quite seriously bogged down in all the coding for the previous blog; frequent mistakes in the code changes had me pulling my hair out.

So the cat, and the Porgy name has been ditched. Sorry Porgy (my tabby cat), you can have your name back now!

Some of the links are dead, some are just no longer relevant to how I use this blog. If you can bear with me there will be a gradual improvement, I have hundreds of great blogs and websites bookmarked & I'll be sharing them with you as soon as I can.

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