This is my main blog - it's been going since 2004. It was originally my personal diary but has expanded to something more sophisticated, thanks to Blogger. Most articles on this site are unfinished and remain so. I am trying very very hard to change this! I have a sidebar on the right - please scroll down - full great web sites, articles, podcasts, etc. The tone of this blog is mostly unfocussed, and long may it remain so...
Thursday, September 28, 2006
something's wrong.

I've lost my work keys too, which is causing me a fair amount of inconvenience.
Anyway - S. is up in Oxford - studying - and I'm visiting tomorrow. It means I've got to seriously get my shit together tomorrow, in terms of laundry, housework, finding all the things I've lost, packing the car with things that s wants in Oxford, etc.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Who Killed Kennedy?
Monday, September 18, 2006
after counting to ten
Some Urban 75 wanker has posted a feeble comment
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Tangela Tricoli
Apparently she provided inspiration for Lisa Kudrow's character, Phoebe, in the TV sitcom "Friends" and the song "Smelly Cat" featured in the alleged sit-com is based on "Stinky Poodle".
go here too
Cycle helmets may raise risk of accidents
by Alexandra Topping
Tuesday September 12 2006
The Guardian
Wearing a cycle helmet could be hazardous for your health, according to research from the University of Bath. The study of 2,500 overtaking motorists in Salisbury and Bristol found that drivers get 8cm closer to cyclists wearing helmets because they are seen as more experienced.
Female cyclists are also given more room. Traffic psychologist Ian Walker used a bicycle fitted with an ultrasonic distance sensor to record data. Dr Walker, whose research is to be published in the journal Accident Analysis & Prevention, was struck twice during the experiment.
Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited
Monday, September 11, 2006
Five Years

Thursday, September 07, 2006
A letter I sent to SchNews
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Friday, September 01, 2006
Gary Numan to perform Telekon in entirety!
I've only seen Numan once this year already - pretty much doing only tracks from his new album. Now he's touring doing only tracks from my favourite Numan album, Telekon. I'm quite excited about this now. "TELEKON MINI TOUR |
I think most people will have heard some rumours or comments about this by now. For quite some time I have been concerned about those fans, most of whom have been with me for many, many years, that would like to see more older songs played live. As you are aware, my own desires have been to play less older stuff as each new album comes along, especially since '94 when things got much heavier and darker. I have struggled to come up with a solution. One that enables me to continue to play predominantly newer material at the shows and yet doesn't seem to be ignoring the wishes of those people that are a, not as interested in the newer stuff or b, do like the newer stuff but would still like to hear more older songs. So this is my first attempt at trying to do something that is some kind of a solution. In December we will play four shows where we only play songs from the Telekon album and it's associated singles and B-Sides. If this 'Classic Album' idea works I might do it again but playing songs from different 'old' albums each time. I intend to play the songs pretty much as they were originally recorded, so not massively reworked as I usually do when playing older songs. This, I hope, will give those fans exactly what they want, without me having to dilute the current album tours and shows with too many older songs. For me, knowing that these are special shows for a particular part of my fan base is also something that I can be comfortable with. As you know I hate nostalgia with a passion but this is a compromise that I can live with and enjoy. The shows will be at:
Dec 6. GLASGOW. QMU Dec 7. MANCHESTER. Academy Dec 9. LONDON. The Forum The tickets will be available on this site, at the venue, and at other outlets which I will let you know about as soon as things are set up. Hopefully that will be before I fly to America on sunday. This idea working or not, and whether it ever happens again, is entirely down to how many fans want it and are prepared to come along. I really hope enough people are interested. " - from Numan's website. |